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My developed applications

psa.exe partial tree sample

Process Status Analysis – the first steps

I am pleased to announce my first cross-platform and open source project, the Process Status Analysis tool, available on GitHub.

The Process Status Analysis (psa) is a command line tool that offer some Operating System processes analysis features:
– Get all processes loaded in memory information
– Get process only used memory
– Print processes tree
– Top most “expensive” processes
– Redirect output to a file

Simple Pictures Unifier 1.1 application is up!

At the beginning of this year I launched an application that helps you to organize the pictures of your important moments. The application helps you specially if you have photos from different sources (different cameras of friends) and you want to have a fluent images story.

From the moment I have launched the first release until now I made up to 12GB pictures (3200+ pictures of 10 MB) and honestly I never found time in order to organize the pictures. Always I rescheduled the application improvements and finally I found time to implement export by date time folders and so on.

Simple Pictures Unifier 1.1 allows merging and exporting pictures in one folder or in date time folders. Simple Pictures Unifier 1.1 comes with a better user friendly experience and few internal improvements.

Simple Pictures Unifier – first version

Have you just returned from vacation and you have a lot of pictures? You just downloaded your taken pictures and you got your friends pictures, too? Then, probably, the pictures are scattered, with a random order in your computer.
Would you like seeing pictures from all sources in order of events happening?
If so, try to sort your photos using Simple Pictures Unifier tool! 🙂

Simple Pictures Unifier application

Please, feel free to add comments, suggestions or bugs reports to this application.
Any constructive feedback is sincerely appreciated. Thanks you!