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Getting Table’s indexes experiences – workaround

Trying to get table indexes information in SQL Server 2012 I identified a strange situation within a specific method that I was using so long but it was not acting as expected in one situation.

Usually, I got the right information about indexes but in one situation I encounter a strange behavior. It’s about having a clustered index into a scenario.

I have a table that contains two indexes referenced to some fields: IndexField_1 and IndexField_3 mapped over int, NULL fields. When IndexField_1 is Non-Unique, Non-Clustered and IndexField_3 is Clustered index I get the right information.
But if the index IndexField_1 is Clustered and the IndexField_3 is Non-Unique, Non-Clustered I get no information about IndexField_1 index (eg. szIdxName and szIdxColName are “” and their length is -1 that means SQL_NULL_DATA). Within while loop, with the next iteration I get correct information about the second index IndexField_3.

Dynamic popup and drop down menus for custom representations

Many applications allow dynamic customization for visual objects or data views. For instance, well known Internet Explorer application provides toolbars customization using a popup menu that appears when the user execute right click mouse action in toolbar zone area.

Internet Explorer sample menu

Other sample where this kind of menu is very useful is when it’s used in order to customize database data representation in Windows controls like List control or grid control. These kind of applications allow data filtering and show/hide columns using this kind of menu. The user just right click on control header and gets what he need.


Versionable Object’s Serialization in MDI applications

This article represents a follow-up of the last article, “Versionable Object’s Serialization using MFC in non Document View applications”. In that article I presented to you a way to solve incompatibility issues between different file versions of the same application, based on MFC serialization into a dialog base application.
But, the dialog base applications are not the best way to use and apply MFC serialization.
Applications base on document view architecture (MDI or SDI) are the best solution when we want to develop MFC application with serialization support.
Document View MFC architecture offers support for automatic save and load document to/from a file on a storage area, using a serialization mechanism. MDI (Multiple Document Interface) and SDI (Single Document Interface) application offers default serialization basic mechanism.

SerAddressBookMDI Main Window - continue to article


Versionable Object’s Serialization using MFC in non Document View applications

Most existing applications operate with data that must be stored and loaded in different times and different locations. The data is stored in text or binary files with a well defined format.
The Problem
Initially, in the first version 1.0, an application operates with data structures that can be stored and loaded. But, next version (2.0) these data structures suffers changes. Some structure’s attributes are added and other could be removed. These things change files format and structure when a new file version is saved.
Question: What happens when you are using an application version 2.0 and you are trying to load old files format (version 1.0)?
Answer: Most cases should cause incompatibility troubles between the current new application and files in old format. This could throw exceptions and the application could have undefined behavior.
That’s why the application must be written in order to be able to open both file versions.
In order to solve the compatibility issue exist many solutions, more or less professional. The recommended solution is the serialization.
Application window
